The Vereeniging Airport (FAVV) details are as follows:Airport Co-ordinates: S26o 34.2’ E027o 57.5’Radio Frequency:122.1 MhzAirport is unmanned, although a tower has been constructed on the site. NOTE:Unmanned procedures to be strictly adhered to - beware training aircraft and microlights in the circuit at all hours. Aerobatic activity may also be in progress. ============Runways: 03/21 (1605 x 22m) and 15/33 (1135 x 16m)03 & 33 areRight-Hand Circuits!Runway Lights:Runway 03/21 has lighting. (Not always working. Confirmwith airport management before attempting night landing)Airport Elevation: 4846 ft ( 1468 m )A Breakcloud procedure exists for NDB VV (460 Khz)Special Important Note:An Aerobatic Box has been assigned at the airport,situated (and adjoining) to the East of runway 03/21The box is demarcated on the ground with whitemarkers and is one kilometer square.It is VERY IMPORTANT to call on the FAVV frequency on approach to the airfield (FAVV zone is 5nm radius) to confirm whether the aerobatic boxis active. When active, all aircraft approaching should join from the westernside of the airfield and refrain from joining overhead. Runway 03 then be-comes a left-hand circuit.
FUEL (Both AVGAS and Jet A1) is available at the Airfield, but you should firstconfirm the availability by phone. To arrange for fuel or if you need to confirm the status at FAVV you can call Glenda084-627-9950 or contact Colin Mokoena on 071 680 8783Airport management is by the Sedibeng District Council, although it is usuallydifficult to find anybody responsible in order to ascertain the status of the airfield from them. Be careful on arrival since at times maintenance isperformed on the runways or the area close to the runways without any priornotice either by NOTAMs or to any of the operators on the field. At such timesunmarked vehicles and workers may occupy sections of the runways randomlyand are also seemingly unaware of aircraft movement.