News relevant to aviation in general and FAVV specificCircus Airfield Events:We are sad to have to report that the Circus Airfieldis no longer in existence. Fortunately it doesn’t mean that Rainbow Air Schooldisappeared with it - Rainbow Air School is very much still active, but hasrelocated to Kliprivier Airfield. To find the exact location go to the website on
There is a place in the world where the approachto the runway looks like this!
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Who out there still remembers the Unitas Flying Club?Well, for your information, it is actually still in existence,albeit in a little bit of a watered down format. The clubmembers meet most weekends on Saturday mornings atthe airport in hangar 103. The club has managed topurchase an aircraft in the form of a Cheetah, registrationZU-CVD and it is available for training, conversions andhire-and-fly. For more information on the club you cancontact Martin Booysen (083 271 9191) or EugeneSchneider (082 894 7319).